mercoledì 6 maggio 2015

EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST (1973-1993). International conference at Bari University (Italy)
L'intervento di Ali Reza Jalali, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi giuridici, politici ed economici del Ce.S.I.Di.S

On May 4, 2015 was held at the Aula Starace of the Department of Political Science of the University "Aldo Moro" of Bari, the international conference EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST (1973-1993). The important initiative promoted by the University of Puglia Region in collaboration with various organizations and also with the inclusion by the European Commission of this event in the various activities to celebrate the Europe Day which is celebrated on 9 May each year, was attended by various reports relating to the theme of the conference by many scholars and academics, Italians and foreigners. The event was divided into various panels, from which emerged many aspects and a multidisciplinary analysis of the controversial relations between Europe and the Middle East region along the two decades considered, between the Yom Kippur War and the Oslo agreements.

For the list of speakers and topics see

In addition Ali Reza Jalali, the Director of the Department of Law, Politics and Economy of “House of Wisdom” International Study Centre, was held a report on the doctrine of the state of the Iranian thinker Ali Shariati,. The reports will be collected in a book edited by Luciano Monzali, Rosario Milano and Gianvito Galasso, experts of History of International Relations of the Department of Political Science, University of -Bari.

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